- Piano WalkthroughsRead More
Complete Guide to playing “Fairytale of New York”
How to play Fairytale of New York on the Piano. Irish Music at its finest? Or is the dark angel of Christmas Songs. Hi, Brian Hughes here from the London Contemporary School of Piano! In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the intricacies of playing Fairytale of New York on the piano, breaking down…
- Chord TheoryRead More
How to use suspended chords
Mastering Sus Chords on the Piano: Unlocking Harmonic Richness Instructor: Tom Donald | London Contemporary School of Piano Introduction: Explore the Power of Sus Chords Hello, it's Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano! In this tutorial, we’re diving into the magical world of sus chords. These chords create tension and…
- Pop MusicRead More
How to play pop music on the piano
Mastering Pop Music on the Piano: A Comprehensive Guide to Chords, Groove, and Melody Integration Playing pop music on the piano isn't just about knowing the notes; it’s about capturing the soul and feel of the song. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, understanding how to properly use chords, groove, and melody…
- Tips & TutorialsRead More
Playing Double Octaves on the Piano with the Right Techniques
Mastering Double Octaves on the Piano: Techniques, Tips, and Fun Improvisation A fun way to practice your scales and technique! Hello, piano enthusiasts! It's Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano. Today, I'm excited to show you how to play double octaves on the piano using the correct techniques. We'll not only…
- Student ArticlesRead More
For the Love of Music (part 2)
Painting with Sound For an instrument that appears so black and white, this could not be further from the truth. As soon as you begin to explore playing the piano, it quickly becomes evident that within its monochrome form exists a world of colour. This simple ladder of keys unlocks a stratosphere of musical hues…
- Student ArticlesRead More
For The Love of Music (part 1)
As a musician, songwriter and artist I am ever propelled by the creative force, and therefore eternally destined to seek and serve this Master. A Master that has commandeered my senses countless times, continually capturing my imagination, commanding my emotions, and compelling me to create. I am well aware that I am not alone in…
- Tips & TutorialsRead More
Cait’s Piano Survival Kit : Unlocking The Power of C
My piano survival kit consists of materials that I refer to if I feel a bit lost or I don't know what to practice. Keep it close and use it any time – there is absolutely no need to feel stuck, ever again!
- Tips & TutorialsRead More
Cait’s Piano Survival Kit – Part 1
My piano survival kit consists of materials that I refer to if I feel a bit lost or I don't know what to practice. This can be kept and used at any time – there is absolutely no need to feel stuck, ever again!
- Piano NewsRead More
An extended musical adventure?
As the principal of an international piano school and a pianist/composer, I've had the privilege of working on numerous creative projects ranging from film scores to award-winning albums. My passion lies in tackling unique challenges, blending musical styles, and working with visionary artists. Each project I take on is a musical highlight of my…
- Tips & TutorialsRead More
How to Practice Piano Without Practicing
We've all experienced the grind of the daily commute, often time spent curled and tensed up, gripping phones, waiting for claustrophobic journeys to end.